
The Christchurch Singletrack Club holds many different races over the year including a mini-XC series in early summer, a reverse enduro hillclimb race in late summer, the South Island Championships (in 2018 and 2019) and the Port Hills Classic or similar race in early autumn if the championships are not in Christchurch. Aside from all of that, club members can be involved in numerous trailbuilding projects on the Port Hills, at Halswell and Living Springs as well as financially supporting other trailbuilding initiatives around Canterbury.

Entry to races is by donation. Club membership is $20 an individual for a year ($30 family) and the proceeds generally go towards building our network of tracks that we ride on. Every membership helps with this, along with providing a greater voice for mountain bikers in the community. There are no set commitments as a member, any track work etc. is your choice if you want to be involved. We encourage you to join.

Christchurch Singletrack Club